Dienstag, 24 Januar 2017 14:38

Against The Rest

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Like a world religion
Like a perfect product of your fantasy
Embracing me, no rules no leaders
Just the purest power of integrity
All i can see
Still a spark rising
Deep down in your chest
Comprimise would equal
Submission to your emptiness
Stand Together Against The Rest
Together Against The Rest
Following our own direction
Together Against The Rest

When it feels so helpless
Never healing wounds of life have left their scars
And you're the cause, surronded by aggression
Every word you hear is like oil into a flame
Still a spark is rising
Deep down in your chest
Comprimise would equal
Submission to your emptiness

Stand Together Against The Rest
Together Against The Rest
Following our own direction
Together Against The Rest

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Mehr in dieser Kategorie: « After The Attack Agents Of Brutality »

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